(In the end...) Princess Connect! Re: Dive
In the end..it's time for me to review "Princess Connect! Re: Dive" (spoilers...you've been warned)
Plan to review this anime just as I've done with previous ones. With just asking myself 4 simple Q's:
#1 Overall thoughts on the story plot?
#2 Overall thoughts on the characters?
#3 Overall thoughts on the scenery & music?
#4 Do I think it deserves another season? Or no?
It kept me entertained. At first, I thought it was just going to be only about them fighting monsters & cooking great food. But there was more to the story. Especially with the characters & who their true enemy is; Gave me Konosuba vibes, it's one of the main reasons I kept watching it. But I kept watching it more for the story & to see what would happen next. Never knew for the longest that this was based off a game, they did a great job making an anime adaptation for it.
Main Characters
Yuuki: He grew on me. Why? Because with amnesia characters it takes some time for me to find out if I'll like them or hate them. But this boy right here surprises me every time. I love his character development when he discovers more about his powers & what he's actually supposed to be doing. It really hit me in the feels when a lot of his memories resurfacing were just the deaths of the previous people he adventured with. Yet he did have some good ones pop up. (Did anyone else feel for him when he had that nightmare about everyone dying again before him? I thought it was real & was not prepared for it.)
Kokkoro: She's best girl in my book! Mainly because she's an elf. The main thing I love about her is her patience for the shenanigans that goes down. But mainly that face she always loves to make when she's about to laugh but doesn't. Kokkoro tries her best to protect Yuuki but he gets himself in some odd situations. Also, I love that she does her best to support him whatever he does even if he doesn't have all of his memories.
Pecorine: I knew from the start she was a princess from the crown, just saying. She'sanother one of my favorites! Peco-chan can definitely eat out a whole buffet but the girl knows how to cook & kick some ass! That's a whole package of awesomeness! So yes, I would also count her as best girl too. But she also is the reason that they sometimes get stuck with odd missions, she can never just pick a decent one (lol); When her backstory was revealed in the anime I was just ready for the boss fight to happen. Cause that's just messed up! Having a fox demon literally come in & steal your whole life from you & make you feel like you don't belong. I hope she gets her home back soon though.
Karyl: Neko Wizard! I love her but she sucks at trying to be a bad guy. She couldn't even attack Peco-chan properly! She got knocked out by the monster she was controlling. Then got put on observation duty by the imposter princess to get intel but even doing that you could tell. She was getting attached & feeling torn as hell! I thought she was going to get found out but surprisingly she hasn't yet by the imposter princess & Peco-chan still accepts her as a friend. Even though Karyl can be a bit back & forth she's still a great character; I can relate to her not like bugs in her food & cleaning up like a pro.
Ames: She's still a mystery to me but I can tell she's the main mystery support for Yuuki. And the main person who probably blocked all of his memories & only letting him remember slowly. I don't blame her cause if all of his memories are nothing but death scenes it was really mess him up mentally. And effect the way he fights in battle as well. I wish we could learn more about her, she seems like an interesting character & I would love to know more about the adventures they went on together.
Side characters (there are a lot of them!!!)
Shizuru & Rino (The most overprotective but adorable sisters ever! But Yuuki doesn't remember them at all; There powerful as hell though I'll say that much.)
Mimi, Misogi, & Kyouka (Little Lyrical group: These kids have a long way to go before they become a true guild. But they're smart kids & have there own pet bird now so that's pretty cool.)
Shinobu (savage as hell to her father & tells fortunes), Ilya (will forever struggle to get her true form back), Miyako (best tsundere ghost for pudding ever but can't rest in peace), & Yori & Akari (so far they're the best guards for there leader)
Aoi (needs more work on trying to make friends & is very shy), Misato (kind sister-ish), Hatsune ( sleepy wizard older sister to Shiori), Shiori (archer book worm), Rima, Mahiru, & Rin ( all three an adorable team)
Mitsuki, Nanaka, & Eriko (Twilight Caravan: We've all learned in the anime that their medical skills are great but you don't want to get on there bad side. Or become an experiment so you run for the hills!)
I think I got everyone if I missed anyone I'll add them later.

Well, that's all for this review. Hope you all enjoyed reading my ramble, let me know what you thought about Princess Connect! Re: Dive if you've watched it. :)
*All screenshots used in this post were taken by me while I watched the episode.
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