(In the end...) Somali and the Forest Spirit - Review
In the end.....it's time for me to review "Somali and the Forest Spirit" (JPN - Somari to Mori no Kamisama ) (spoilers?...you've be warned)
Now here's how I'm going to review this:
#1 Overall thoughts on the story plot?
#2 Overall thoughts on the characters?
#3 Overall thoughts on the scenary & music?
#4 Do I think it deserves another season? Or no?
Just four simple Q's for myself.
The plot caught my attention from the beginning. Or really when I read the synopsis, But as the characters journey progressed, I soon found out that this anime was going to make me an emotional wreak! I haven't read the manga so a lot of things came to light in this anime. The fact of how humans are treated, the true history of humans, & the wake up call that humans are truly more cruel then the creatures that look different from them. And that truly hit me in th feels. Just because someone is different doesn't mean you should flat out kill them.What makes things sadder is really the journey. You don't want it to end but you know it will, for all things come to an end; You learn about towns, customs, how everyone treats one another, and more on the darker history of humans.
The fac that the creatures are in the right & humans are in the wrong. Really sheds some light, that humans are way scarier then any monster/creature.
Not gonna lie, the Oni clan were my favorite. I love our main chracters but those two Oni's just made my day!
(Got that out of the way)
Now the main characters:
Golem: At first I thought he was going to be this apathetic character the whole time. Which I don't mind. But, it's true, he's an over protective dad. And I love it. His progression in this 12 episode series really did surprise me. But what got me t love hime more was his protectivness & the will to learn more about Somali & his surroundings. To be honest, I wouldn't mind him as a father.
Somali: This girl is precious! I would protect her with my life! But I swear there were times where I would want to get on her about stuff! But I had to remind myself that she's a child & she's learning. Her development in the series was great as well. For a child, she's fearless, & has her own strength to stand up for herslef. And for the people she cares about even though there not human. She is the hope that humans can change. (hopefully)
Literally need the soundtrack in my life!And the scenary was beautiful! I would say besides the towns they visited, I loved all the nature aspect of things. It was all stunning.
YES! I feel like I'll be more of an emotional wreak but who cares. I need this beautiful world to be animated again.Ok, that's all I have. Hopefully I made sense. If not, I'll think of another way to review. lol.
(All images in post are screenshots I took while wathing the anime.)
not a bad review!
ReplyDeleteI haven't watch this anime yet, but it sounds like an anime where the mc is a maverick and the current world culture is shit 💩. Reading your review, this anime sounds really interesting 🤔. Nice job 👍