Hello all, so here's what's going to go down~
Hi, welcome all~
I'm just gonna jump right into what I plan to do on this blog going forward as of today. Since I'll be starting a SOCIAL MEDIA DETOX (tomorrow) I want to focus on actually using this blog that I made. On this blog, I was mainly only going to post my final thoughts on there. But because I post a lot of my thoughts on each episode on Twitter with a TON of screenshots!!! I decided to just throw it all here.
My Plan:
#1 With whatever new anime I watch, I'll make a blog post on what I thought on the 1st Episode. The 2nd post I'll make about the anime will be my thoughts on the other episodes. (This post might be long since I'll be talking about more than one episode. Don't worry I won't go too long drawn about it, just a few sentences & some good screenshots.) And lastly, I'll post my "In the end.." review for that anime. So overall just three posts per anime. (I will do my best to post the same day I finish the episode if I'm late posting anything, like if it's been past two weeks. Then I'll make an announcement post, for I probably just have something going on in my life.)
#2 I also will post on Sundays of all the new movies I've watched each week. (Mainly it's for me to keep track in case if I forget if I've watched that movie or not) If I don't watch any movies that week I won't post a blog post at all; If I rewatch a movie that I've seen for like the 100th or so time, I'll just mention it in a small sentence in the post. Yes, if I watch three new movies in a week it will be in one long post. I'm dedicated. )
#3 Lastly, if I don't feel like doing the 1st process I mentioned for new anime on anime that isn't apart of the current season. Then I'll just post an "In the end..." Review. If this confuses you let me know...
I think this is about it, wish me luck. And happy reading my rambling~
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