(In the end..) Steven Universe/Steven Universe Future Review

In the end.....it's time for me to review "Steven Universe/Steven Universe Future" (spoilers...you've be warned) Now here's how I'm going to review this: #1 Overall thoughts on the story plot? #2 Overall thoughts on the characters? #3 Overall thoughts on the scenary & music? #4 Do I think it deserves another season? Or no? Just four simple Q's for myself. (Side Note: This show has been a true roller coaster ride for me & probably for everyone else. But it was a great journey that had a very emotional but heartfelt end. Steven & the gems will be missed.) #1 The plot should seem pretty simple. Steven now a teenager, no more threats, & him living up the best life with the gems. And all the gems he managed to help. We we're all hooping this would be more of a fun, happy, exciting season right? Well wrong. This season was a HUGE AWAKE UP CALL. Not just for Steven but even the viewers. For it touches on some...